the greatstart experience
Learning Foundations
Demonstrate an understanding of numbers and numerical operations: Recognize and write at least through 100 for counting and first through tenth for ordinals; Compare groups of objects using "more", "less", "same"; Demonstrate understanding of one-to-one correspondence; Explore the meanings of additional and subtraction by using concrete objects and learning to add and subtract numbers at least up to 20
Develop knowledge of spatial concepts: Use and respond to positional words such as "in", "under", "between", "down"; Understand shapes including three-dimensional shapes by building with blocks and other materials, and the connection between two- and three-dimensional forms; Using simple shapes to make designs, patterns, and pictures; Explore the use of nonstandard objects for measurement; Compare and order a small set of objects as appropriate according to size, length, weight, or volume and knows usual sequence of basic daily events; Demonstrate understanding of basic temporal relations
Understand patterns, relationships, and classification: Describe patterns in the environment; Represent patterns in a variety of ways; Begin to represent data in pictures and drawings; Show awareness of the attributes of objects through sorting, ordering, and classifying
Use mathematical knowledge to represent, communicate, and solve problems in their environment: Learn math through problem solving, inquiry, and discovery and use emergent mathematical knowledge as a problem-solving tool; Solve problems without having to try every possibility; Use communication to organize and clarify mathematical thinking by discussing, listening, and asking questions during activities; Recognize that math is used in a variety of contexts in all disciplines, and apply math in practical situations; Use technology to reinforce concrete mathematical information
Develop inquiry skills: Display curiosity about science objects, materials, activities by asking who, what, when, where, why, and how questions during sensory explorations and experimentations; Seeking answers to questions and testing predictions using simple experiences or research; Using basic science terms and vocabulary; Communicating with others to share observations, and; Represent observations and work through drawings and journal writing
Observe and investigate living things: Investigate and compare the basic physical characteristics of plants, humans, and other animals; Observe similarities and differences in the needs of living things, and differences between living and non-living things; Observe and describe how natural habitats provide for the basic needs of plants and animals with respect to shelter, food, water, air and light; Observe and record change over time and cycles of change that affect living things
Observe and investigate the Earth: Explore and describe characteristics of soil, rocks, water, and air; Explore the effects of sunlight on living and non-living things; Observe and record weather; Demonstrate emergent awareness of the need for conservation, recycling, and respect for the environment
Gain experience in using technology: Identify and use basic tools and the Technology foundations described below to extend exploration in conjunction with science investigations
Navigating simple on screen menus: Using the mouse to negotiate simple screen tasks; Learning basic functions of a browser; Opening or closing windows
Using electronic devices independently: Identifying keyboard "power keys"; Access materials on portable media - DVD, CD-ROMs and pressing "play" and "stop"; Turn smart toys on and/or off; Recognize that the number keys are in a row on the top of the keyboard; Operate frequently used, high quality, interactive games or activities in either screen or toy-based formats; Use a digital camera to take a picture
Begin to use electronic devices to communicate: Using computers and tablets to type name and to create stories with pictures and letters/words
Use common technology vocabulary: Use basic technology terms such as computer, Internet, mouse, keyboard, printer, digital camera, monitor in conversations
Begin to use electronic devices to gain information: Use the Internet to explore and investigate questions with a teacher's support
Demonstrate self-confidence: Express individuality by making independent decisions about which materials to use; Express ideas for activities and initiate discussions; Actively engage in activities and interactions with teachers and peers; Discuss their own actions and efforts
Demostrate self-direction: Make independent choices and plans from a broad range of diverse interest centers; Demonstrate self-help skills; Move through classroom routines and activities with minimal teacher direction and transition easily from one activity to the next; Attend to tasks for a period of time, ignoring most distractions and interruptions
Identify and express feelings: Recognize and describe a wide range of feelings, including sadness, anger, fear, and happiness; Empathize with feelings of others; Channel impulses and negative feelings, such as anger
Exhibit positive interactions with other children and adults: Engage appropriately with peers and teachers in classroom activities; Demonstrate socially acceptable behavior; Say "thank you", "please", and "excuse me"; Respect the rights of others; Express needs verbally or nonverbally to teachers and peers without being aggressive; Demonstrate verbal and non-verbal problem-solving skills without being agressive
Exhibit pro-social behaviors: Play independently and cooperatively in pairs and small groups; Engage in pretend play; Demonstrate how to enter into play when a group of children are already involved in play; Taking turns; Demonstrate understanding the concept of sharing by attempting to share
Express themselves through and develop an appreciation of creative movement and dance: Move the body in a variety of ways, with and without music; Respond to changes in tempo and a variety of musical rhythms through body movement; Participate in simple sequences of movements; Define and maintain personal space, concentration, and focus during creative movement/dance performances; Participate in or observe a variety of dance and movement activities accompanied by music and/or props from different cultures and genres; Use movement/dance to convey meaning around a theme or to show feelings; Describe feelings and reactions in response to a creative movement/dance performance; Begin to demonstrate appropriate audience skills during creative movement and dance performances
Express themselves through and develop an appreciation of music: Sing a variety of songs with expression, independently and with others; Use a variety of musical instruments to create music alone and/or with others, using different beats, tempos, dynamics, and interpretations; Clap or sing songs with repetitive phrases and rhythmic patterns; Listen to, imitate, and improvise sounds, patterns, or songs; Participate in and listen to music from a variety of cultures and times; Recognize and name a variety of music elements using appropriate music vocabulary; Describe feelings and reactions in response to diverse music genres and styles; Begin to demonstrate appropriate audience skills during performances
Express themselves through and develop an appreciation of dramatic play and storytelling: Play roles observed through life experiences; Use memory, imagination, creativity, and language to make up new roles and act them out; Participate in dramatic play using costumes and props; Differentiate between fantasy/pretend play and real events; Sustain and extend play during dramatic play interactions; Participate and listen to stories and dramatic performances from a variety of cultures and times; Describe feelings and reactions to stories and dramatic performances; Begin to demonstrate appropriate audience skills during storytelling and performances
Express themselves through and evelop an appreciation of the visual arts - painting, sculpting and drawing: Demonstrate the safe and appropriate use and care of art materials and tools; Create two- and three-dimensional works of ark while exploring color, line, shape, form, texture, and space; Use vocabulary to describe various art forms; Demonstrate a growing ability to represent experiences, thoughts, and ideas through a variety of age-appropriate materials and visual art media using memory, observation, and imagination; Create more recognizable representations as eye-hand coordination and fine-motor skills develop
Listen and respond to environmental sounds, directions, and coversations: Follow oral directions that involve several actions; Listen for various purposes; Show understanding of listening activities by incorporating ideas into play; Show interest, pleasure, and enjoyment during listening activities by responding with appropriate eye contact, body language, and facial expressions
Converse effectively with different audiences in their home language, English, or sign language for a variety of purposes related to their experiences: Describe previous experiences and relate them to new experiences or ideas; Use language for a variety of purposes; Use language and sounds that are appropriate to specific roles in dramatic play, and set the stage by describing actions and events; Use compound sentences, if-then statements, and complex sentences; Use language to communicate and negotiate ideas and plans for activities; Listen and respond appropriately in conversations and group interactions by taking turns and generally staying on topic; Ask questions to obtain information; Join in signing, finger-plays, chanting, and retelling and inventing stories; Connect meanings of new words to vocabulary already known; Use new vocabulary and ask questions to extend understanding of words
Reading Skills - Print Awareness: Identify the meaning of common signs and symbols in the local environment; Recognize that a variety of print letter formations and text forms are used for different functions; Identify ALL alphabet letters, especially those in his/her own name; Recognize own name in a variety of contexts; Recognize that letters are grouped to form words and that words are separated by spaces; Recognize that it is the print that is read in stories
Reading Skills - Knowledge and Enjoyment of Books: Demonstrate understanding of the concept of directionality on a page; Book handling knowledge; Exhibit reading-like behavior; Answer simple recall comprehension questions about a book being read; Use a familiar book as a cue to retell their version of the story; Show an understanding of story structure; Ask questions and make comments pertinent to a story being read and connect information in books to personal life experiences
Reading Skills - Phonological Awareness: Engage in language play; Make up and chant rhymes; Play with alliterative language
Demonstrate Emergent writing skills: "Write" messages as part of play and other activities; Attempt to write own name on work; Share and discuss work samples containing drawings, paintings, and pictures; Attempt to make own name using a variety of materials
Social Studies, Family and Life Skills
Identify unique characteristics of themselves, their families, and others: Describe characteristics of oneself, one's family, and others; Demonstrate an understanding of family roles and traditions; Express individuality and cultural diversity
Become contributing members of the classroom community: Demonstrate understanding of rules by following most classroom routines; Responsibility by initiating simple classroom tasks and jobs; Appropriate behavior when collaborating with others
Knowledge of neighborhood and community: Develop an awareness of the physical features of the neighborhood/community; Identify, discuss, and role-play the duties of a range of community workers
Cultural awareness within their classroom and their community: Respect other cultures within the classroom and community
Health, Safety, and Physical Education
Self-help and personal hygiene skills: Healthy habits awareness; Emerging self-help skills
Knowledge and skills necessary to make nutritious food choices: Food and food groups; awareness of nutritional food choices
Awareness of potential hazards in their environment: Safe practices indoors and out; awareness of warning symbols and their meanings; Identify community helpers who assist in maintaining a safe environment; dial 911 for help
Competence and confidence in activities that require gross- and fine-motor skills: Develop and refine gross-motor and fine-motor skills; using objects and props to develop spatial and coordination skills
Knowledge and the use of languages other than their own to communicate and express simple greetings, words and phrases: Acknowledge that a language other than their own is being spoken or used; Say simple greetings, words, and phrases in a language other than their own; Comprehend previously learned simple vocabulary in a language other than their own; Use gestures, pointing, or facial expressions to augment oral language when communicating effectively with adults and/or classmates who speak other languages